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Oil Cooled Servo Stabilizer


We provide with best quality Oil Cooled Servo Stabilizers, which are designed precisely and built-in with high-tech features. The stabilizer has immense power up to 40KVA to control flow of voltage at input and output and gives a balanced working to device. It also helps in protecting device from overload voltage and fluctuations in current flow. We offer high performance based oil cooled servo stabilizers, which are well-tested at international parameters and give best services for many years. Custom design and specification made oil cooled stabilizers are also available through us.

Product’s Features:

Quality built-up
Loaded with high-tech features
Highly functional
Compatible for industrial uses
Efficiency is upto 98% at nominal load
Robust construction
Save power and reduce MDI


Oil cooled servo stabilizer protects device in conditions of voltage breakdown and maintains its working efficiently. This stabilizer has application in many industries for controlling voltage in heavy machines. This voltage stabilizer also provides a start-up delay function which restarts the connected equipment once the voltage is at a safe level


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